A tracheostomy (trach) tube is a curved tube inserted into the trachea for the purpose of providing air to the patient. A trach tube requires specific upkeep and care to remain safe for the patient. In today’s episode, nursing home abuse lawyers Rob Schenk and Will Smith discuss common safety issues surrounding trach tubes in nursing home residents with Michelle Glower, RN and legal nurse consultant.
Most nursing home admission documents contain arbitration agreements. Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method that bypasses the civil justice system. Most nursing homes favor arbitration while almost all consumer groups oppose their requirement. In today’s episode, nursing home abuse lawyers Rob Schenk and Will Smith discuss the benefits and problems with arbitration agreements in nursing homes with guest Elizabeth Newman @TigerELN, senior editor at McKnight’s @mcknightsltcn
In any nursing home abuse lawsuit, the resident’s nursing home records hold the clues that unlock the case. From medication administration records to the admission package, nursing home records are the keystone for understanding what went wrong after an injury. In today’s episode, nursing home abuse lawyers Rob Schenk and Will Smith talk what families should know about nursing home records with guest Tory Palivoda, RN and legal nurse consultant.
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are system of partnered organizations available in every state dedicated to providing seniors with information on a host of programs and services. In today’s episode, nursing home abuse lawyers Rob Schenk and Will Smith talk about ADRCs, including Georgia’s ADRC @adrcga with Melissa Sisneros, New Mexico Long Term Care Ombudsman.
The Georgia Legislature @AssemblyGeorgia is one of the principal vehicles for the protection of nursing home residents. In today’s episode, nursing home abuse lawyers Rob Schenk and Will Smith talk welcome Georgia Representative Sharon Cooper @repsharoncooper onto the podcast to discuss legislative actions aimed at protecting Georgia’s seniors.